Monday, October 6, 2008 Commerical

This past weekend I went home a saw the most bazaar commercial. This commerical was for's website. This website is for those who are looking for vehicle for lower prices then they would see at a local dealership. I would think that this commercial would advertise the cars that they have for people to buy and the prices of these cars, but this was not the case at all. This commercial consisted of a woman in front of a black screen with just a lingerie set on. The camera focuses on every part of her body, panning the camera from the bottom to the top of her body. The only words that pop up on the screen is the website address and some information about what the website provides. This information is in small font and green in color. This focus is more so on the woman not what is being advertised.
After seeing this commerical I was very upset. I felt as though the half naked woman had absolutely nothing to do with what the advertisement was actually suppose to be about. The commercial was just ridiculous. Even though I felt so very strongly about this commercial, I had to realize that is actually caught my attention. It was something that I thought about all weekend. This was the goal of the commercial. They wanted to catch the eye of the viewer with the woman, which was accomplished, to advertises to viewers their website and what it had to offer. Although it was not a good advertisement, it succeeded in its goal to be a attention grabber.


ThomAlbright said...

This commercial that you are writing about, I feel really resembles the advertisement that I used in my third blog with Lebron and Gisele and how it reinforces certain stereotypes. It also resembles the ad that we talked about in class with the naked woman and the "simply palm" logo. These ads accomplish what they set out to do but at what cost. They do pull in your attention but they also reinforce sexual stereotypes of women. The give this false idea of what women need to be but it is almost impossible to achieve. This ad I feel is correlated to the ad that Kayla talked about in her blog. Her ad is about how girls feel negatively about themselves. In the end this ad brings you in and makes you interested in the product but at what cost.

tmartin said...

It seems like the concept of "sex sells" permeates our culture all to much. Unfortunately whether we like it or not, we are drawn to the concept of the human body. People in advertising have figured this concept out and have realized that they can grab our attention with the human body. Whether or not the message gets across, the image has already been engrained in ones head. Even though the person viewing this ad from this car sales website was disgusted, they still thought about that ad all weekend. Unfortunately, I doubt this viewer will ever buy something from this company, but it still shows the power that concept of sex that sells so much and captures our attention.

Kilbane10 said...

I have to agree that using just a woman in lingerie to advertise a car website is a little over the top, but I have to disagree that it wasn't a good advertisement. The goal of any commercial is purely to sell a product, and the best way to sell a product is to get your product or company in the public eye. Look at this ad, one person has seen it and now 4 people in this class alone are talking about it. I say that this is a great ad, it defiantly got your attention and has spread the website. I also can kind of see another reason to use a woman. Fast cars and beautiful women have been synonymous to the point of it being rare to see a fast car without some sort of woman counter part. This ad seems to hint at that, providing the woman and leaving it to you to go find the matching car.