Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Coverage

Last night I watched two different news stations, CNN and MSNBC to watch for coverage about the election prior to the results being announced. Both stations provided information to their viewers about both candidates but the majority of the information presented from both stations was the significance of Obama winning the election. Representatives from the Obama campaign were interviewed on both stations throughout the news cast. The tone of the news casts were both very serious when it came to discussing the significance of Obama winning. Both were very creditable with their sources of the information that they presented to the audience. I understand why this was being looked at by both stations because this was a very important factor in this year’s election. This is the very first time in history that we have ever had an African American become president let alone even run for president. Obama gives hope to not only the African American community but all genders and races that you can do any and everything that you want to as long as you set your heart and mind to it. Some many say that as an African American I only support Obama because he is of my race, but this is not true. Obama is a true inspiration to us all, and he is going to be victorious in being our next president of the United States.


ThomAlbright said...

I too watched CNN and felt that it covered the election very well. The sources were all very credible and have been in politics for a very long time. I also liked how it was a very diverse group of analysts; the had many people from many racial and ethnic backgrounds reporting. This i feel helped to give different perspectives on the election results. I also thought CNN explained how the results came in and why people in certain areas were voting the way that they were. One thing that is interesting that many people forget is that Jessie ran for President in 1984 and Shirley Chisholm back in 1972. Jackson had some backing but obviously never as much as President Obama. I also agree with you that people don't support him because he is a part of race, but rather because his a phenomenal candidate.

tcastillo said...

Your admiration and passion for Obama is incredibly inspiring. I really enjoyed reading your post because it touched upon the subject of the importance of Obama being our first African-American president and what it means for our country; I think both CNN and MSNBC too, like you said, realized this importance as well since Obama winning was both station's prime focus. I like that as an African-American yourself, you defend your vote for Obama as being for his campaign and ideas rather than because he is of the same race. I too think that this factor did not matter when voting for our next president, which I believe shows great change in our society. This change is that people were tested for the first time in an election as big as the presidency to look past color and look further into what each candidate was representing with his policies.