Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello Everyone!!

My name is DeAnna Owens and I am currently a junior psychology major here at Ohio University. I have not always been intrested in the field of psychology. My first year here I was a pre-med major very eager to become a peditrician one day. This dream of mine all changed when I took part in a summer internship at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. I became a summer student who worked with doctors in the Department of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology. I have specifically worked with a program called Innovations at Childrens. This program is a non profit consultant agency that works with programs in the community to help them improve their programs and provide them with efficient program evaluations. My job with Innovations consists of data entry and analysis. I have also had some hand in research projects and reports. Innovations has introduced me to a new world of psychology and my experience with them will help me in my field in the future.

Even though I have seen the research side of psychology, I am more so interested in the clinical side of it. I have decided that I was to pursue a career in adolescent clinical psychology. I want to help adolescent patients with issues that they face day to day and see them over come these issues. I want to be a helping hand in the growth of our youth and I felt the best way for me to do this with my background experience and major is to become a clinical psychologist. I am looking forward to making this dream come true for myself!

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