Monday, September 15, 2008

Susan Willis and Disney World

Susan willis discusses her views about Disney World in her essay "Disney World, Public Use/Private State". She uses ethos and logs to present her argument to her audience.

With ethose, Willis depends on her experience to build a strong ethos. Her visit to Disney World shows that she can be a credible source. Her audience can rely on her to tell them about Disney World and why she feels the way she does. Her audience can see that her argument can be valid because she has actually been to Disney World before and not just relying on someone elses experiences.

Willis's logs depends on her thoughts about Disney World being utopian state. She feels that Disney World should be a place of imagination when it is so scripted and not spontaneous. A very excellent example that Willis provides can be seen on page 588. She explains how even something as small as a family photo is scripted. Willis also says that familes are even forced to follow in Disneys trap of conformity. Families purchase log tshirts and wear them as a group so that every familt member is identical. Even though these things maybe simple and overanalyzed by Willis, she brings up a very good point in her argument.

So after viewing Willis's argument, I can see where her views stand. She wants her audience to see through the imagination world of Disney and see that Disney is a utopian world that is trying to force conformity on the people who visit there. Her ethos and logs presented helps provide a strong and reliable argument.

Source: Willis,Susan "Disney World:Public Use/Private State." Making Sense on Arts,Science and Culture. 3rd Ed.Eds.Bob Coleman Hougton Mifflin Co. 2006


kmac44 said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog about Disney World. The example you used about how even a family photo is scripted was great. The parents spending tons of money on the same shirts just so each family member can wear them together. I’m guessing you are writing to an audience that is familiar with this essay because you didn’t go that in depth with that example and didn’t explain it to its full extent. I also would have gone more in depth with how Willis describes Disney World as this scripted place, although it is supposed to be more for the imagination. Overall I really did like your blog. You brought up many good points! Good job DeAnna :)

ThomAlbright said...

I really like that in this essay you point out her strong ethos, with that of her research and of her experience of actually going to Disney World. You also use great examples from the essay. Having read the article I agree with the comment about the scripting of family photos. The use of multiple examples from the essay really helps back your argument. I feel that overall this was a successful argument and that this article was for someone who had read the essay.