Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Coverage

Last night I watched two different news stations, CNN and MSNBC to watch for coverage about the election prior to the results being announced. Both stations provided information to their viewers about both candidates but the majority of the information presented from both stations was the significance of Obama winning the election. Representatives from the Obama campaign were interviewed on both stations throughout the news cast. The tone of the news casts were both very serious when it came to discussing the significance of Obama winning. Both were very creditable with their sources of the information that they presented to the audience. I understand why this was being looked at by both stations because this was a very important factor in this year’s election. This is the very first time in history that we have ever had an African American become president let alone even run for president. Obama gives hope to not only the African American community but all genders and races that you can do any and everything that you want to as long as you set your heart and mind to it. Some many say that as an African American I only support Obama because he is of my race, but this is not true. Obama is a true inspiration to us all, and he is going to be victorious in being our next president of the United States.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The article that I chose is from titled Obama breaks promise on campaign finance. News anchor Campbell Brown talks about how at the beginning of Obama stated how he would accept public finance and work with his Republican running to make sure they were both operating within the same financial limits. Brown states that Obama has raised well over $600 million since the beginning of his campaign. Brown also states how Obama explained this broken promise by saying, “That the system is broken and that Republicans know how to work the system to their advantage. He argued he would need all that cash to fight the ruthless attacks of 527s, those independent groups like the Swift Boat Veterans”. Brown ends her argument by, making what I think is a harsh comment about Obama saying that he is now “rolling in down… and he is getting there in part on a broken promise”. When it comes to the being presented with a debate versus objective information, I feel that this argument is entirely a debate about Obama’s finance. Yes Brown does present her audience with some objective information regarding the amount of money Obama has made thus far and about Obama planning to speak to the American people Wednesday night, but she is merely debating why she feels Obama has broken his financial promise. Even though I may not know much about the financial issues that go along with politics, I do know that this article is very well bias. It is very evident that Brown is a McCain supporter. I can see this by how she presents her argument and how she speaks of Obama. This may very well work in persuading those who are McCain supporters as well as she is, but being a very big supporter of Barack Obama and it just seems very bias. So what if Obama is making a lot more money with his campaign, if McCain was doing the same I honestly feel that it would not be a very big issue. Obama has to make money in order to build a strong campaign to win this election and I feel that he has done a great job so far. To respond to Brown’s argument, I say this to all who attack Obama about issues like this, let’s look at what these candidates can do for our country and not focus so much on these irrelevant issues. Brown only has two resources to support her claim and I feel that it makes her argument look less reliable.
When it comes to Lasch’s argument about modern day journalism, I do not agree with him saying that if information is not debated between two people then it becomes irrelevant. I believe that this is not true. I do agree though when Lasch says that we are becoming a generation of people who are just being fed information and not making our own decisions about what we hear. This is very true. Now is the time to make a change to that. We must not sit back and let the media feed us information about these two candidates. We must do our own research and find out what these candidates are really about.

Monday, October 6, 2008 Commerical

This past weekend I went home a saw the most bazaar commercial. This commerical was for's website. This website is for those who are looking for vehicle for lower prices then they would see at a local dealership. I would think that this commercial would advertise the cars that they have for people to buy and the prices of these cars, but this was not the case at all. This commercial consisted of a woman in front of a black screen with just a lingerie set on. The camera focuses on every part of her body, panning the camera from the bottom to the top of her body. The only words that pop up on the screen is the website address and some information about what the website provides. This information is in small font and green in color. This focus is more so on the woman not what is being advertised.
After seeing this commerical I was very upset. I felt as though the half naked woman had absolutely nothing to do with what the advertisement was actually suppose to be about. The commercial was just ridiculous. Even though I felt so very strongly about this commercial, I had to realize that is actually caught my attention. It was something that I thought about all weekend. This was the goal of the commercial. They wanted to catch the eye of the viewer with the woman, which was accomplished, to advertises to viewers their website and what it had to offer. Although it was not a good advertisement, it succeeded in its goal to be a attention grabber.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Blog #3

This ad evokes a lot of angry emotions from me for several reasons. First there is only one woman surrounded by 4 men with one of them laying on top of her. She has on a short black dress with stelletto heels. It seems as though she is being pinned down be the male on top of her who has no shirt on. The men surrounding her are either topless as well or have shirts on that are open so that you are able to see their chest. I feel that the owm is being take advantage of by these men and it seem as though the as is supporting activity such as gang rape. I feel this way about this as because of the position of the males and the female herself. It seems as though the female is forced down by the male on top of her with her dress pulled up above her thighs. The other males are surrounding her and watching while the male on top of her forces her to stay down.

There are many issues of gang rape in the world. This ad is very controversial because it seems as though that is what is about to take place. It seems that the female is being forced down against her will and will be taken advantage of by all of the men in the photo. The ones surrounding her wait their turn to have their chance with her. The photo just does not seem right at all. The message it sends it very wrong. It just screams male dominance.

The compositionist has chosen to place the female in this particular position and the males surrounding her. The compositionist I am sure is faced with the issue of the photo being very controversial. It could be worse. The female could be completely naked with the male positioned on top of her closer to her body. Even though this does not occur in the photo, it is clear that this advertisement is still racy and very controversial.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Susan Willis and Disney World

Susan willis discusses her views about Disney World in her essay "Disney World, Public Use/Private State". She uses ethos and logs to present her argument to her audience.

With ethose, Willis depends on her experience to build a strong ethos. Her visit to Disney World shows that she can be a credible source. Her audience can rely on her to tell them about Disney World and why she feels the way she does. Her audience can see that her argument can be valid because she has actually been to Disney World before and not just relying on someone elses experiences.

Willis's logs depends on her thoughts about Disney World being utopian state. She feels that Disney World should be a place of imagination when it is so scripted and not spontaneous. A very excellent example that Willis provides can be seen on page 588. She explains how even something as small as a family photo is scripted. Willis also says that familes are even forced to follow in Disneys trap of conformity. Families purchase log tshirts and wear them as a group so that every familt member is identical. Even though these things maybe simple and overanalyzed by Willis, she brings up a very good point in her argument.

So after viewing Willis's argument, I can see where her views stand. She wants her audience to see through the imagination world of Disney and see that Disney is a utopian world that is trying to force conformity on the people who visit there. Her ethos and logs presented helps provide a strong and reliable argument.

Source: Willis,Susan "Disney World:Public Use/Private State." Making Sense on Arts,Science and Culture. 3rd Ed.Eds.Bob Coleman Hougton Mifflin Co. 2006

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hello Everyone!!

My name is DeAnna Owens and I am currently a junior psychology major here at Ohio University. I have not always been intrested in the field of psychology. My first year here I was a pre-med major very eager to become a peditrician one day. This dream of mine all changed when I took part in a summer internship at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. I became a summer student who worked with doctors in the Department of Behavioral Medicine and Clinical Psychology. I have specifically worked with a program called Innovations at Childrens. This program is a non profit consultant agency that works with programs in the community to help them improve their programs and provide them with efficient program evaluations. My job with Innovations consists of data entry and analysis. I have also had some hand in research projects and reports. Innovations has introduced me to a new world of psychology and my experience with them will help me in my field in the future.

Even though I have seen the research side of psychology, I am more so interested in the clinical side of it. I have decided that I was to pursue a career in adolescent clinical psychology. I want to help adolescent patients with issues that they face day to day and see them over come these issues. I want to be a helping hand in the growth of our youth and I felt the best way for me to do this with my background experience and major is to become a clinical psychologist. I am looking forward to making this dream come true for myself!